Active Careers

Active Careers is a free service that operates within the health, fitness and sport sector. We connect individuals looking for work who want to pursue an "Active Career" with employers, both small and large. Employers can post job roles for free as long as they meet our criteria of being an active job and we vet all job ads and are part of the jobs aware scheme to prevent spam and potential fraud.
We also provide a tonne of free resources to help individuals land their ideal role within the physical activity sector including CV templates, interview tips and offer a free support service to those who need a hand getting into the sector which can be accessed via emailing
Active Careers can support individuals getting into work and those with disabilities or learning difficulties. We also partner with a number of local charities and charitable businesses that help kids that are struggling at school from underprivileged backgrounds to get into the physical activity sector. Please email us if you feel that applies to you and we can point you in the right direction.
Education, training and employment Sport and Dance Support and Advice Young people Adults Older adults Central Town Centre
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