Making Doncaster a Safer City

Banner showing the Safer City Doncaster logo and partners

City of Doncaster Council is working with South Yorkshire Police and other partners on a range of initiatives to help make Doncaster safer, including extra funding and resources under a city-wide safety initiative.

Extra council staff resources and new CCTV measures have been introduced in Doncaster city centre and alongside the police, council staff will join forces and use their powers to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour and to offer help and support to those who need it.

Stay safe in Doncaster

A city at night

Stay safe on nights out in Doncaster

Information about the Taxi Marshals Scheme, the Safe Haven and how to ‘ask for Angela’ on the City of Doncaster Council website

Learn more

Walk Safe Logo

WalkSafe Personal safety app

Download the Walksafe personal safety app to help you get home safe

WalkSafe website

St. Leger Homes Logo

Homelessness Advice

Advice and support on the St. Leger Homes Homelessness Service Page

Read more

What you can do to help?

Hooded figure spray tagging a wall

Report anti-social behaviour and nuisance

Find further information about hate crime, anti-social behaviour & nuisance on the Doncaster City Council website

Learn more

A female walking at night

#DoMore and take a stand against violence against women and girls

Call out acts of microaggressions and sexual harassment when you see it happening

Business Crime Charter

Developed by South Yorkshire Police, encouraging organisations to sign up, come together and take action.

Businesses - Sign-up

South Yorkshire Police initiatives

Police officers photographed from above

Report a crime to South Yorkshire Police
If you’ve witnessed or been the victim of crime that isn't an emergency.

Stop knife crime
Tackling knife crime is a priority for the police. You'll find practical help and advice, whether you want to find out how you can help yourself, your friends or family.

Vehicle nuisance
Find out about the different kinds of vehicle nuisance, their long-term effect on a neighbourhood and what you can do about it.

What has been achieved so far?

Did you know?

More than 2,200 CCTV cameras are in operation across Doncaster to help promote a safe environment for residents and visitors.
(November 2024)

Meet The Team

Part of our ambitious programme of change in our city centre focussed recruiting local people who know the city and want to help it reach its full potential.


City Centre Engagement Officers (CCEO's) [Red vest]

Our officers engage with people and encourage them to access to multiple support services that are available to help them break the cycle of addiction. This includes upholding the Public Space Protection order – or PSPO – which deters ASB within the City Centre. They regularly review the areas that are patrolled and are always looking at ways to increase visibility and encourage people to express any concerns or issues so we can improve the service that is offered. They also use powers to tackle anti-social behaviour and help and support those who need it.

Neighbourhood Response Team (NRT) [Yellow vest]

The team provide public facing patrols seven-days a week on a shift pattern which includes early, afters, and night shifts to respond to anti-social behaviour and quality of life issues of concern in the community. Officers providing information, advice and guidance to residents and businesses, appropriate victim care and proactive engagement with perpetrators gathering evidence and taking enforcement action when required.

Officers on patrol in Doncaster
Officers on patrol in Doncaster

The City Centre Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)

The aim of the PSPO is to provide help and support to vulnerable members of the community and to tackle anti-social behaviour to improve the vibrancy of Doncaster city centre.  This will complement the wider plans to manage and regenerate the city centre and continue its improvement journey, making it an attractive and welcoming place for all.

With your help...

8,078 responses to the 2024 'Big City Conversation' survey were provided by residents and businesses. This has proved the catalyst for the Safer City project.

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