New SEND Parent's Handbook Launched
This handbook has been designed with Doncaster parents to help families navigate the school system so their loved ones can fulfil their potential.
Designed with, and for, families
Created with Doncaster parents, Doncaster Parents Voice and a range of local partners, this handy guide will help you understand how to get the right support at school for your child or young person so they can achieve their full potential through school life and into adult life.
The guide explains who is responsible for what and when and summarises the Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) system in Doncaster with real world examples.
Designed to be used alongside Doncaster’s Local Offer website, within the handbook you’ll find a breakdown of a school’s responsibilities for children with SEND as well as seeing how they can be supported to successfully prepare for adult life.
Learn more on the dedicated web page and read about a wide range of family support for various life stages on the dedicated Children and Young People web pages.
Read the Handbook below
- SEND Parent's Handbook
- Download (5.74MB - PDF)
- Category: General News
Locality: Central, North, South, East