Support this Winter

As the weeks are getting colder, we are once again relaunching information about all the support available this winter.

All the information in today's newsletter and more can also be found on our winter webpage: Winter Support

Festive Fun

Festive Events this Christmas

An exciting programme of events will take place in Doncaster over the Christmas period includuing:

  • The Corn Exchange re-opening its doors, hosting some fantastic attractions including: an artisan market, Christmas workshops and theatre shows.
  • Christmas Cabins: From 7 – 24 December there will be Christmas cabins around Clock Corner selling festive gifts and treats.
  • Christmas Spectacular Event: Sir Nigel Gresley Square will play host to entertainment on Monday 23 December.
  • Father Christmas at the Mansion House:  Father Christmas will be at the Mansion House on 12, 18 and 19 December to share story times, take part in fun activities and give presents. 
  • The Doncaster Festival of Light: Taking place over the weekend, this free event organised by Right Up Our Street promises to connect audiences to joy and embrace experiences and participatory moments. 
  • Christmas ShowsCast theatre will be hosting a variety of Christmas performances during November and December including Step into Christmas, The Nutcracker and the Jack and the Beanstalk pantomime. The Doncaster Little Theatre will also be showing their pantomime Cinderella.

The Visit Doncaster website has an interactive Countdown to Christmas calendar with information and detail about all of the events taking place across Doncaster, not just in the city centre. Go to Visit Doncaster to find out more: Countdown to Christmas 


Elmer the Patchwork Elephant sculpture trail

Elmer the Patchwork Elephant and his friends are packing their trunks for new adventures in Doncaster on 13 November to mark World Kindness Day...and not only that, they'll be staying with us until the end of January.

Elmer’s Christmas Art Parade, based on the books by David McKee will see a total of 12 elephants will be bringing oodles of kindness, colour and festive cheer as part of this year’s sculpture trail. City of Doncaster Council is working with Wild in Art, creative producers of public art events and Andersen Press, publishers of the Elmer books, to bring the stunning sculptures to Doncaster. Six of the sculptures will feature brand new designs unveiled for the first time in the city.

The arrival of the Elmer’s Christmas Art Parade on World Kindness Day is also poignant as the much loved story promotes kind acts, friendship and inclusivity, key themes of Doncaster’s Choose Kindness movement which will be sponsoring Elmer. Find out more

Events at your local library

Discover the range of events and activities at your local library this winter.

We have over 20 libraries across Doncaster that have so many activities that you can get involved in over winter. 

There’s Knit and Natter in Thorne, Silver Surfers Computer Group in Edlington, Craft Classes in Mexborough and lots lots more!

Each of our libraries also doubles up as a Welcoming Space to stay warm over the winter months and to have a chat with people in your local community.

Visit the Doncaster Libraries Website where you can find all the details about what’s happening in a library near you.

Free City Centre Parking

And as an extra bonus... this Festive Season City of Doncaster Council will once again be supporting local businesses, residents, and visitors by offering free city centre parking from Sunday 1st December 2024 to Sunday 5th January 2025 from 2pm and for the rest of the day/evening Monday-Saturday at the Markets and St Georges car parks.

We are also offering.

  • All day Sunday free car parking at the popular Markets Car Park and St Georges Car Park
  • Every Saturday in December free all-day parking at Chappell Drive Car Park.

    Find out more about our free city centre parking: Free Parking

Safer City

City of Doncaster Council is working with South Yorkshire Police and other partners on a range of initiatives across the city so that Doncaster is a safer place for everyone to enjoy.

The Doncaster Safe Haven will once again be out over the Christmas period as a safe space if you feel you need support on a night out- providing water, tea, coffee and a listening ear. It will be in operation on Friday 13, Friday 20 and Saturday 21  December from 9pm - 1am. 

For more information on the Safer City initiative and advice on staying safe over the festive season, visit the Your Life Doncaster website.

Safe Haven

Support for you this winter

A Warm, Welcome Space

With the winter weather starting to get cooler - many of us may be looking for somewhere that we can stay warm, have a chat and find local information and support.

Welcoming Spaces across Doncaster provide a warm, safe, local space for anybody who may need it over the winter period without the expectation of having to spend money. Find a Welcoming Space

Staying warm and well

There are lots of grants and support available to you this winter. From national support like the warm homes discount, to local schemes including the Boiler on Prescription schemes.

For more information on any available schemes, fill out the energy support webform or by visit the Energy Saving Tips webpage.

Our Healthy Homes webpage also has lots of information on how making sure our homes protect our health and wellbeing. 

For more information on managing money, energy advice, food banks, and lots of other support- you can visit the Cost of Living webhub.

Boiler image

Feeling Unwell Over Winter?

If you start to feel unwell during winter, don’t wait until it gets more serious. There are lots of health services available across the borough to support you to stay well over the colder months.

Find out more about winter vaccinations, the right services for you, and out of hours help on the Your Life Doncaster Winter webhub.

Choose Kindness this Winter

If you have an older neighbour, relative or friend, choose kindness and look out for them during the winter period. Here's a few ways that you can check in on those around you this winter:

  • Say Hello: There is no easier way to make someone's day
  • Ask: Not everyone will ask for help, but that doesn't mean they don't need it. Always ask if there is anything you can do to help.
  • Keep them informed: Not everyone is online, if you see important information you think may be useful, post them a note through the door or you can even print out this webpage!
  • Shopping: If you're going to the shops or pharmacy, ask if they need anything collecting.
  • Spot the signs: Know the signs that they may need help. Not seen a neighbour for a while? Are their curtains always drawn? Remember, if the weather is bad, they may not be able to get out and about easily.

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing social isolation and loneliness and would like to connect with people in your community, Doncaster’s Social Isolation and Loneliness Alliance (SIA) may be able to assist. 

Be a good neighbour

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse can happen within a family and is any form of controlling or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over.  This can be by family members, controlling who you see, what happens to your money and telling you what you should think and how you should behave.  It may be hard to accept that someone you love and who should love you is subjecting you to domestic abuse.  The Doncaster Domestic Abuse Hub is here to help and support you. Domestic Abuse Hub

Housing Support

Homelessness can be closer than many realise, affecting people from all walks of life each year. If you're worried that you or someone you know might face homelessness, don’t wait, find out about all your options.

A digital support advice service is the first place to access, it is service that is available 24/7, specifically designed to assist with housing and homelessness concerns. Advice Aid

If you would like to speak to someone in person, the Housing Options team are  available Monday - Friday at the One Stop Shop, based in the Civic Office in Doncaster City Centre. Housing options support

Preparing for winter

Cold weather

We know that over the winter months, there are many people in our community that may need a bit more support than usual.

If you have an older neighbour, relative or friend, choose kindness and look out for those who might struggle with the drop in temperature.

Cold weather is forecast

Preparing our roads for winter

Our Highways team have ensured that David Plowie, Brad Grit, Usain Salt & the gang are ready to make our roads safe to use throughout the winter. 

This winter we have:

  • 2,500 tonnes of rock salt in the salt dome at North Bridge, with 3,500 tonnes also on standby
  • 190 Grit Bins across the borough, fully stocked
  • Gritter routes that over approx. 530KM of road network across the borough
  • 56 drivers have undergone training and are on a rota for this winter

    Further information on our gritting routes can be found on our website.


Waste and Recycling latest

All households in Doncaster should now have received their 2024 bin collection calendar. This details what should go in your black, blue and green bins (and green box) and when they should be put out for collection. Please keep it somewhere safe or go online to find your collection date.

Please remember bins must be presented by 7am on the day of collection and taken off the street or rear alleyway once they have been emptied. If you haven’t received your calendar by next week, please call us on 01302 736000.

Just like previous years, green bin collections have ceased until spring 2024. If you have any garden waste during that time, you can either:

  • Compost it at home
  • Take it to a Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Store in your bin until the new year

    For more information, visit our website: Recycling
  • Category: General News

Locality: Central, North, South, East

Last updated: 26 February 2025 14:56:53