Cancer is a disease that is caused by normal cells growing and reproducing in an uncontrolled way. This uncontrolled growth creates a lump called a tumour and if not treated it can spread to the surrounding normal cells, which can then spread to other parts of the body, including organs.
For useful information about your diagnosis visit NHS Choices.
For information about living independently in your own home visit the Support at Home section.
Support in Doncaster
In Doncaster, there are charities and organisations that help people with cancer, they also help their families by giving support throughout all the stages. If you would like to volunteer or support a person with cancer in Doncaster, or if you or somebody you know needs support, you can contact some of these places:
St John’s Living Well Centre
St John’s Living Well Centre offers support to anyone who wants to talk about how cancer is affecting their life, whether this is someone with cancer or somebody with a close relationship to someone with cancer. This can be done over the phone, at an appointment in the centre or through a home visit. Information can be given in the style of leaflets and booklets (easy-read versions are also available), face-to-face or over the phone. Visit the St John’s Living Well Centre website here for more information.
Aurora Wellbeing Centres
These centres support local people and their families living with cancer. They offer a free package of beauty treatments to both men and women to help boost self-esteem and confidence whilst receiving and recovering from cancer treatments, all carried out by extensively trained and experienced professionals. Visit the Aurora Wellbeing Centre website here for more information.
Macmillan is a charity that helps support people and their families who are affected by cancer by offering them support financially and emotionally. They hold many fundraising events, campaigning events and have plenty of opportunities for people to volunteer. Visit the Macmillan website here for more information.