Carers Assessment

Why should you think about having an assessment?

Any carer who looks like they might benefit should be offered an assessment. It should identify any help needed to maintain your own wellbeing. If you are offered an assessment it is ok to say ‘no thanks’. It is also ok to change your mind later if it is offered again or you could ask for one in the future by making contact with the number below.

An assessment gives you the opportunity to find out if there is any help available now and to make some plans for the future. It will help you to get any support you need to stay in work or education or to let you also look after any children you may have.

What will happen at the assessment?

Like so many things it does involve some ‘form filling’. You can do most of this for yourself if you want or you can wait for a professional to come and fill it in with you. However you choose to do it there will be a professional there to help you work out what, if anything, is needed. They will help you to find out what is already available in your community.

What happens after the assessment?

After the assessment, you will be helped to develop an action plan which will include practical suggestions and signposting to services and groups that may be able to help. Some people will also be eligible for funded support from Doncaster Council.

Will there be any charge?

There is no charge for a Carers Assessment.

How to arrange an assessment?

You should speak to the social worker dealing with the person you care for if they have one. Otherwise, please contact us.

Useful Local Organisations

You might decide that an assessment is not for you or you might want to talk to someone else before making up your mind. Here are some local organisations who could talk to you about this or any other issues relating to being a carer.

Doncaster Partnership for Carers,
2 Regent Terrace,
South Parade,
Doncaster, DN1 2EE.
tel: 01302 637566

For more information on the Doncaster Young Carers Service find them in our Community Directory.