Your Life Edlington

Welcome to Your Life Edlington! The home of all things Edlington - here you will find local events, news, information and contacts that we think you will find useful as part of the community.


The Spotlight On - 'Report it'

We need your help to make a difference in Edlington! 

You can use the below link to report just about anything to the City of Doncaster Council - from fly tipping, dog fouling and anti-social behaviour to issues with trees, blocked gullies or potholes. 

Report it - City of Doncaster Council

You can also contact the Council via telephone:

01302 736000 - opening times are Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5.00pm or 01302 341628 outside normal office hours (including weekends and holidays). 

Please find more information on reporting below under 'Community Safety' 

What's on in Edlington - Events

Edlington Library 

Crystals for Health

Learn about crystals, their benefits and healing properties and how best to work with them to improve your overall Health and Wellbeing.  A new crystal will be discussed each session and you’ll receive 1 free crystal to keep – Saturday 7th September and then Wednesday 9th, 23rd and 30th October, 13th, 20th and 27th November 10.30-11.30.  Please contact the library to book a free place.

Culture Nature 

Thursday 12th and 26th September, 10th and 24th October, 7th and 21st November 10.30-12.30. Free adult workshops – join Heritage Doncaster and Fashion Fusion CIC to discover history through museum objects and enjoy nature based crafts.  Please contact the library to book a free place.

Coffee and Crafts

Tuesday 1st October 10am-12, then weekly for 8 weeks – sessions will include Macramé, soldering, Beginners Crochet, Jewellery – sessions delivered by Sew Mindful – please contact the library to find out more and to book.

What's on in Edlington - Weekly Timetable  


09.00 - 15.00 | Computer Suite | Helping Hands | Free internet access
09.00 - 14.00 | Community Café | Helping Hands
10.00 - 14.00 | Charity Shop | Helping Hands
09.15 - 10.30 | Family Hub First Friends - birth to crawling | Helping Hands | Play together in a safe, informative and stimulating environment
10.00 - 11.00 | Shared Reading | Edlington Library 
10.00 - 14.00 | Pins & Needles Craft Group | Helping Hands 
10.30 - 11.30 | Dance On | ECO | 50+, £3 per person, accessible, human-centred and inclusive dance sessions, seated or standing 
11.00 - 12.00 | Family Hub Baby Massage | Helping Hands | Learn gentle massage techniques with your baby - call 01302 566776 to book
13.30 - 15.30 | Creative Directions | Helping Hands | 18+, free, embracing creativity to add joy to life and boost mental well-being 
14.00 - 15.00 | Rhyme Time | Warmsworth Library | 0-5 years 


09.00 - 11.30 | Healthy-ish | ECO | £1 per person, like minded people who are larger than life and want to improve their health
09.00 - 15.00 | Computer Suite | Helping Hands | Free internet access
10.00 - 14.00 | Charity Shop | Helping Hands
09.00 - 14.00 | Community Café | Helping Hands
09.30 - 12.00 | Crafting with Kerry | ECO | Take part in a craft activity or bring your own
09.00 - 12.00 | Breakfast Club | ECO | Drop in for anyone. Hot breakfast sandwiches, crafts and free support from various agencies.  
10.00 - 10.30 | Midweek Mass | St John The Baptist
10.00 - 12.00 | Choose You Chooseday | ECO
10.00 - 16.00 | Shed Heads | Helping Hands | NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
13.00 - 15.00 | Heritage Group | Helping Hands | First Tuesday of the month
13.00 - 15.00 | Creative Directions - Sounds | Helping Hands | 18+, free, embracing creativity to add joy to life and boost mental well-being
13.30 - 14.30 | Exercise to Music | ECO | £5 per person 
15.30 - 17.00 | Junior Citizens | ECO | Free for 0-16 years, parental supervision required, term time only, giving back to the community
17.00 - 18.00 | Parish Office | St John The Baptist
17.00 - 18.15 | Holy Hour | St John the Baptist
17.30 - 18.30 | An aCHOIRed taste | ECO | A friendly group who just love to sing, £2 per person including cake and refreshments
18.00 - 19.30 | Brownies | Warmsworth Community Centre
18.00 - 18.30 | Evening Prayer | St John the Baptist
18.00 - 20.00 | Cash Bingo | Helping Hands
19.00 - 20.30 | Dog Show Training Ring Craft | ECO


09.00 - 15.00 | Computer Suite | Helping Hands | Free internet access
09.00 - 14.00 | Community Café | Helping Hands
10.00 - 14.00 | Charity Shop | Helping Hands
10.00 - 15.00 | AT4A - All Together for Autism | Helping Hands
10.00 | Rhyme Time (term time only) | Edlington Library | Stories and rhymes for pre-school children
10.00 - 11.00 | Tai Chi | ECO
10.00 - 14.00 | Citizens Advice | Helping Hands | Book through Citizens Advice 
13.00 - 14.30 | Creative Directions - Moves | Helping Hands | 18+, free, embracing creativity to add joy to life and boost mental well-being
13.00 - 15.00 | Playgroup | ECO | £1 per adult, children free
15.00 - 17.00 | After School Club (term time only) | ECO
17.30 - 18.30 | Youth Club | ECO | 9-16 years, £1 includes drinks and snacks
18.00 - 19.30 | Brownies | The Grainger Centre
19.00 - 20.00 | Insanity | ECO


09.00 - 15.00 | Computer Suite | Helping Hands | Free internet access
09.00 - 14.00 | Community Café | Helping Hands | 
10.00 - 14.00 | Charity Shop | Helping Hands
09.00 - 13.00 | NHS Smoking Clinic | Helping Hands | Book direct
09.00 - 16.00 | Community Support | Helping Hands |Appointment only  
09.30 - 10.30 | SMART Meeting | ECO | Change your relationship with alcohol or drugs using the SMART tools
10.00 - 16.00 | Shed Heads | Helping Hands 
13.30 - 15.00 | Nature Explorers | Martinwells Centre


09.00 - 15.00 | Computer Suite | Helping Hands | Free internet access
09.00 - 14.00 | Community Café | Helping Hands 
10.00 - 14.00 | Charity Shop | Helping Hands
09.15 - 10.30 | Family Hub Stay & Play | St John the Baptist Church | A fun session for you and your child to play and learn new skills with a range of fun filled activities
09.00 - 16.00 | Community Support | Helping Hands | Appointment only  
09.00 - 11.00 | Community Market and Jumble Sale | ECO
10.00 - 13.00 | ED-IT Informal Computer/ Social Group | Edlington Library
15.30 - 17.00 | Family Fun Club | ECO | Families are invited to come and connect with other families in a safe and non judgemental environment, for children who may benefit from support with their social and emotional wellbeing and their development. Booking is preferred through ECO or Denaby Family Hub
18.00 - 20.00 | Prize Bingo | Helping Hands 
18.30 - 20.00 | Youth Group (term time only) | St John the Baptist | 12-25 years
17.30 | Choir Practice (new members welcome | St John the Baptist 


11.00 | Walk n Talk (bi weekly) contact ECO for dates | ECO
14.00 | Adult Bingo (monthly) contact ECO for dates £5 per person | ECO
14.00 | Family Bingo (monthly) contact ECO for dates £5 per person | ECO
17.30 | Rosary | St Mary's Church
18.00 | Children's Liturgy | St Mary's Church
18.00 | Mass | St Mary's Church


09.15 - 10.15 | Family Parish Mass | St John the Baptist

 Useful Information and Contacts 

Community Safety

To report Anti-Social Behaviour or crime please visit the Doncaster Council webpage or the South Yorkshire Police website.

South Yorkshire Police 
Your local Police Station is:
Edlington Police Station
3 Nelson Road
New Edlington
DN12 1AU
(Please note that this Police station does not have an operational enquiry desk)

Your local officers are:
Sgt Christopher Rogers -
PC Vicky Attwood -
PC Chris Cammack -
PCSO Ian Warhurst -
PCSO Robert Hutchinson -

To report nuisance motorbikes, quads and off-road vehicles: 
SYP Motorcycle and Rural Crime Team | Facebook

South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue 
Download (2.52MB - PDF)

An independent charity that gives you the power to speak up and stop crime, 100% anonymously. By phone and online, 24/7, 365 days a year.
Crimestoppers Website
0800 555 111 

Fearless enables young people to pass on information about crime 100% anonymously. You can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality.
Fearless Website

Please note - Crimestoppers and Fearless are not a replacement for the emergency services so our advice, if something is happening that needs immediate action - ring 999.

Children and Young People

Family Hubs
Your closest Family Hub is:
Denaby & Conisbrough Family Hub
School Walk
DN12 4HZ
01302 737436
Denaby & Conisbrough Family Hub | Facebook
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Friday: 8:30am - 4:00pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed

South Locality Family Hubs host sessions and outreach in Edlington.
South Family Hubs - SeptOctober Timetable
Download (2.42MB - PDF)
Edlington Early Days Support
Are you pregnant or just delivered a baby? If so, have you met your Early Days Worker Claire Hartle?

Doncaster Family Hubs Early Days Workers are exactly what their names suggest – they are here to support you and your family in those early days of parenthood, from pregnancy and right through the first 18 months of your child’s life. Claire Hartle is the named Early Days Worker for Edlington families.

If you're currently on a pregnancy journey, Claire is ready to become an important part of your support network and a face you will regularly see. Alongside agreed appointments with her, which will complement your Midwife and Health Visiting appointments, Claire will be on-hand at Helping Hands Community Centre (various times) or Denaby Family Hub to offer support and guidance with any issues, queries or questions you might have about having a baby and becoming a parent.

Claire also has a wealth of knowledge about Doncaster's Early Years offer to be able to signpost you to the right place, be that a baby group, a health professional, where to find childcare information and much more. Claire is the friendly face you can rely on throughout this parenting journey! Claire can be contacted through Denaby Family Hub - 01302 737436.

Health Visiting Service 
The Doncaster Health Visiting service consists of Specialist Community Public Health nurses, nursery nurses and community nursery nurses. They deliver the Healthy Child Programme to all families through assessments and interventions for babies, children and families including first time mothers, fathers and families with complex needs within the home, family hubs and community settings. They provide expert information, about child development, child health, parenting strategies, breast feeding, nutrition, maternal mood and community support. 

Nursery nurses deliver groups with the support of the Family Hub Team for non-mobile babies and their parents/carers at Helping Hands Community Centre in Edlington.

First Friends group is delivered every Monday (except Bank holidays) between 09:15-10:30, this is a drop-in session, no need for an appointment

Baby Massage sessions are delivered every Monday (except Bank holidays) between 11:00-12:00, Please speak to a member of the Health Visiting Team to be invited to these sessions.

Contact us:
Our Single Point of Contact 03000 218997
Doncaster Health Visitors | Facebook

Your Place for Your Family

The Your Place Team are on hand for information, advice and guidance as well as tailored wrap-around support with everyday issues such as:

  • Financial struggles
  • Housing
  • Anti-social behaviour impacting you or your family
  • Accessing education
  • Accessing SEN resources
  • Accessing employment
  • Food banks, clothing banks, funding
  • Managing challenging behaviour
  • Support for young people
  • Parenting
  • and much, much, more!
You can call us, email us, arrange to see us in your local community or school or pop in and see us face to face at Tom Hill Youth Hub (Denaby) Monday to Friday 08.30-16.40 and at Martinwells Centre (Edlington) Monday and Thursday 08.30-16.30.    
The Your Place Team can also be found during drop-in sessions at ECO every second Friday afternoon of the month.
Contact us:
01302 736644

Playgrounds in Edlington

Edlington Recreation Ground, Auburn Road | toddler and junior play areas, multi-use games area, skate park, BMX track, playing field, sports pitches | See Edlington Rec on Google Maps 

Broomhouse Lane | toddler and junior play areas, playing field, nature walks, woodlands| Broomhouse Lane Play Area on Google Maps 

Howbeck Drive |
toddler and junior play areas, multi-use games area, playing field| See Howbeck Drive Play Area on Google Maps

Yew Gardens Playground | toddler and junior play areas | See Yew Gardens Playground on Google Maps 

Find things for children and young people in Edlington
Family Information Service
Doncaster Mumbler - Playgroups, classes, days out and activities 


Edlington Victoria Academy
Victoria Road
DN12 1BN
01709 862175
Edlington Victoria Academy website
Hill Top Academy
Edlington Lane
DN12 1PL
01709 863273
Hill Top Academy website

St Mary’s Catholic Primary School
Bungalow Road
DN12 1DL
01709 863280
St Mary's Catholic Primary School website 

Sir Thomas Wharton Academy
Tait Avenue
DN12 1HH
01709 864100
Sir Thomas Wharton Academy website

Local Amenities

Health Services 

Find a GP

Edlington Health Centre Practice
The Martinwells Centre
Thompson Avenue
DN12 1JD

The Nayar Practice
The Martinwells Centre
Thompson Avenue
DN12 1JD

Find a Pharmacy

Weldricks Pharmacy 

The Martinwells Centre
Thompson Avenue
DN12 1JD

Pickfords Pharmacy 
56 Edlington Lane

Find a Hospital


The Martinwells Centre
Thompson Avenue
DN12 1JD
01302 736471
Edlington Library

Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs)

The nearest HWRC is Conisbrough

Opening times
Please ensure you arrive no later than 30 minutes before closing time as all vehicles must be off site by the advertised closing time. Please note that in the interest of health and safety the site has to close temporarily during the day to allow skips to be exchanged.

  • 9:30am - 7pm (1 April to 30 September) 
  • 9:30am - 5pm (1 October to 31 March) 
  • Closed Thursday and Friday only (Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday)

Crookhill Road, Conisbrough, DN12 2AE

Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) - City of Doncaster Council

Environment and Green Spaces

Local Organisations and Groups

Edlington Community Organisation - ECO 
Yorkshire Main Community Centre (YMCC)
New Edlington 
DN12 1AB
01709 252549
ECO Website
ECO | Facebook
Edlington Community Organisation (ECO) is a registered charity based at Yorkshire Main Community Centre. Formed in the late 90’s, our aim is to improve and regenerate Edlington and its neighbouring communities to make it a better place to live for all. As a charity we thrive off community involvement and work with the community for the community, bringing almost 2 million pounds of funding into Edlington which enables us to deliver a range of essential projects including food provisions, social activities, personal safety and wellbeing initiatives, information, advice and guidance plus many volunteer opportunities for all ages.

The Helping Hands Community Centre
Edlington Lane 
DN12 1PL 
01709 863268
Helping Hands Community Centre Website
Helping Hands Community Centre | Facebook
The Helping Hands Centre (formerly the Hilltop Centre) is a sustainable project in the heart of the community of Edlington, delivering a wide range of services. The aims of the organisation are to support the community, both socially and economically, with the relief of unemployment through job search facilities and health and well-being initiatives. 

Sew Mindful Crafts
5 York Buildings 
Edlington Lane
New Edlington 
DN12 1BU
01709 860881
Sew Mindful Crafts Website
Sew Mindful Crafts | Facebook
Community hub providing sewing & crafting workshops for all ages, promoting good mental health. Please use the online booking facility on the website.  

Friends of Martinwells Lake
Friends of Martinwells Lake website

Edlington Heritage Group
Edlington Heritage Group Website
Edlington Heritage Group | Facebook
The Edlington Heritage Group is a local history group that aims to preserve and promote the history and culture of the community of Edlington and its neighbouring villages to future generations and beyond.

Shed Heads Woodwork Group
Shed Heads Website
Shed Heads | Facebook
Shed Heads are a local voluntary group based in Edlington whose aim is to provide a free, social, and productive activity based around woodwork and DIY, with or without prior skills or knowledge. Members can produce work for themselves or others at cost. We meet every Tuesday and Thursday 10am - 4pm at the Helping Hands Community Centre, but you don’t have to stay all day it’s up to you. Tea and coffee are provided; come along and have a chat see the gang and make up your own minds if it’s for you or not.
Craft with the Lads
Craft with the Lads is our men only crafting programme, where we offer a range of weekly crafting activities exclusively for men. Activities include machine sewing, making clothes and accessories, quilting, knitting, crochet and illustrating. The sessions will help men connect, make friends, learn new skills and be creative. While enjoying the creative activity, the men will also gain confidence, have an opportunity to talk and build good mental health and resilience.
Monday 5.30pm - 7.30pm and Saturday 2pm-4pm FREE taster sessions at Sew Mindful Crafts
Thursday 5.30pm -7.30pm Self Reflection with the Lads (drawing and painting)
Saturday 10am - 1pm Machine Sewing with the Lads (learn to use sewing machines and over lockers, patterns and make clothing & accessories)
Please book online at Sew Mindful Crafts Website 

Growing Together
Growing Together Education CIC
Bridge Acre Nurseries 
Broomhouse Lane
Growing Together Website
Growing Together | Facebook
We provide a therapeutic outdoor/indoor environment where students get involved in agriculture, animal care, horticulture, planting, harvesting, woodwork, arts/crafts. Aiming to develop knowledge around sustainable agriculture, social skills independence.

Cost of Living

Cost of living support - Your Life Doncaster

Citizens Advice Doncaster
Advice and support on any issue such as debt housing employment and benefit entitlement. Citizens Advice Drop-In is now available on Wednesday 10am-2pm at Helping Hands Community Centre.
Citizens Advice Doncaster Website

Support in Edlington

Edlington Community Organisation - ECO

Our independent food bank has been running for over 8 years and has supported thousands of people with access to emergency food. Now open 5 days per week (Monday to Thursday – 10am to 3pm and Friday – 10am to 1pm), our food bank is accessible by anyone regardless of benefit status as we know now more than ever that people are feeling the pinch. We take each request for an emergency food parcel on an individual basis and can offer additional support beyond your immediate food needs. Our emergency food parcels contain enough food for 3 days and we can cater for those who have limited or no cooking facilities.
Pre-arranged collections only – contact our main office on 01709 252549 to go through the food bank referral form.
ECO Community Market 
is held every Friday - 11am-1pm in the main hall of Yorkshire Main Community Centre and is open to anyone. There is no criteria, application form or referral required to use our market. ECO purchases food and cleaning supplies from the supermarkets and anyone who attends can market can choose 10 of these items for £3 with the average retail price for each shop being £16, saving households £13. In addition to the food that ECO purchase for the market, we also have a free table which consists of donations from Tesco’s, Morrisons and The Hygiene Bank Doncaster and include a range of fruit, vegetables, bread and hygiene items for people to take for free. 

The Bread and Butter Thing - TBBT

Working with City of Doncaster Council and South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, The Bread and Butter Thing (TBBT) Food Pantry provides affordable food to hundreds of local families, with no referrals required. At its weekly hubs, TBBT’s members access three bags of food comprising fruit and vegetables, chilled food and cupboard staples at deeply discounted prices. Healthy Start cards are accepted and low-cost period products are also available. People interested in using TBBT’s affordable food service need to register as members and should text 07860 063304 or use the contact form at Contact Us — The Bread and Butter Thing with their name, address, postcode and hub they would like to join. Once registered, members receive a weekly text offering the food service which they can then collect from their hub.
Mexborough Community Hub, New Oxford Road, S64 0JL. Wednesday at 1.30pm
Central Family Hub, Welcome Way, DN1 3LE. Monday at 2pm

Business and Employment

Business Doncaster work to support the Business sector in Doncaster | | 01302 735555 

Council jobs

Doncaster’s Employment Hub are there to help wherever you are in your career. Whether you are looking for work, want to explore alternative careers, want to develop new skills or are facing redundancy, get in touch to access free and confidential support | 01302 735554 


St Leger Homes of Doncaster
St Leger Homes is an award winning company which provides excellent housing services across Doncaster in the social and private sectors. We work in partnership with Doncaster Council, our customers and other agencies, providing homes in neighbourhoods that people are proud to live in.
01302 862862
St Leger Homes of Doncaster Website
Apply for a council house or housing association property
Report housing repairs 

Homelessness Service - Home Options 
We offer support and help whether you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in the future. We will give you advice based on your personal circumstances. There are a lot of ways to help you stay in your current home, so please contact us as soon as possible if you are concerned you are at risk of becoming homeless.
If staying in your current home is not an option, we can help you to find a different home. If you meet the eligibility criteria, you can join the housing register to place bids on available social housing in Doncaster. It is important you know, however, that due to the high demand for social housing and low numbers of available properties, you would be required to look to the private sector and to registered providers (housing associations) for suitable accommodation. We also work with a range of supported housing providers to assist our customers in securing housing. 
Homelessness Service - Home Options Website 

Private Renting in Doncaster - Landlord and Tenant Advice
Information for landlords and tenants about the effective and safe management of private rented accommodation. Our aim is to raise awareness and improve standards through a process of education, empowerment and as a last resort - enforcement. Areas we cover include houses of multiple occupancy - HMO's, houses rented by single households, park homes & caravan sites. You can find information covering landlord and tenant responsibilities including repairs, fire safety, electrical safety, energy efficiency and damp/ mould hazards.
Landlord and tenant advice

Private Landlord Liaison Service
We also provide a dedicated Landlord Liaison Service that serves as a Single Point of Contact for private landlords. The objective of this service is to foster positive relationships and promote collaborative efforts between private landlords and the Council. Our focus is on supporting landlords to provide safe, stable and quality housing within our communities.
We offer a range of services that include advice, guidance and information resources pertaining to a wide range of issues, including:

  • Pre-Tenancy checks
  • Renting out properties and minimum standards
  • Tenancy Agreement and Deposit Protection
  • Landlords responsibilities and legal compliance
  • Tenancy management
  • Safety measures
  • Energy efficiency measures
  • Empty properties and void management
  • New legislative updates

For the Private Landlord Liaison Service and Empty Homes, you can contact us by using our Single Point of Contact email address at You can also download a selection of useful resources from our webpage

Empty Properties
There will always be empty residential properties throughout our towns and cities, due to the natural movement in the housing market, however this is usually a result of short-term situations such as buying and selling homes, changes of tenancies in homes, relocation, and properties in probate. When empty properties aren’t addressed to bring them back into use in the short term, and are void more than 6 months, they are classified as long term empty homes.
How you can report an empty property and what we're doing to address them

Drop in session for private landlords and owners of empty properties | Information and guidance on a range of issues | Mexborough Library | Friday 14th June 2024 10.00 - 12.00 

Community Conversation Points

We want every person in Doncaster to live in a place they call home, with the people and things that they love, in communities where they look out for one another, doing things that matter to them.

Community Conversation Points are opportunities for people to meet with volunteers and Council staff to have conversations about what they want from life; their care & support, their housing, their environment and their community. At Community Conversation Points, we will support you to make plans that promote your wellbeing and to help you remain independent for as long as possible. Community Conversation Points, sometimes referred to as Community Led Support (CLS) Hubs, are based at convenient, community locations throughout Doncaster. If necessary, we will work with community groups, volunteers and a range of services and agencies to help meet your needs.

Edlington Community Conversation Points (CLS)
Tuesday 10am-12pm
- Edlington Community Organisation 
Wednesday 10am-12pm - Martinwells Centre
Wednesday 10am-12pm - Warmsworth Library 
Friday 10am-1pm - Edlington Community Organisation 

Additional Key Contacts

Edlington Town Council 
Clerk - Catherine Mullen 
The Grainger Centre and Council Offices 
Stubbins Hill 
DN12 1JN
01709 770552 

Edlington and Warmsworth Ward Councillors - 
Councillors - City of Doncaster Council

Labour Councillor Phil Cole - Edlington, Warmsworth & Old Edlington
07950 635393
Councillor Surgeries provide an opportunity for you to meet your ward councillors in person and to discuss local issues. No appointment is necessary and people are seen on a first come first served basis.
Every second Monday, 17.30-18.30 - Warmsworth Community Hub, Stapleton Road, Warmsworth.  Next dates are: Mon 14 October 2024, Mon 11 November 2024.
Every second Tuesday, 09.30-10.30 - Edlington Community Organisation, Edlington Lane, Edlington. Next dates are: Tuesday 15 October 2024, Tuesday 12 November 2024. 

Cllr Rob Reid

Well Doncaster Officer
- Georgia Snape | 

Edlington Community Connector |