Job Centre Plus
If you are looking for paid work, Job Centre Plus has trained staff that are able to help you find employment that is right for you. They can help you search for local jobs, provide help and advice on looking for a job, benefits information and advice, and give benefits estimates.
For more information, visit the Job Centre Plus website.
The National Careers Service
There are lots of ways to look for a new job. The National Careers Service describes some of them on their website. Choose the ones that suit you best.
For more information, visit the National Careers Service website
Training and Additional Support
Depending on your circumstances, there are a range of organisations that can provide support helping you into paid/unpaid work and discuss any employment issues. Take a look through our Community Directory. Remember, the Community Directory is open to any organisation and their inclusion does not reflect any endorsement by Doncaster Council.
The Families Information Service includes information about all schools in Doncaster.