Healthy Homes: Families

Homes are the foundation for health and wellbeing, particularly for families with children. Having a hazard-free home can support mental and physical health and help children thrive, whilst keeping them safe.  A home that is safe and secure also contributes towards a child’s development in many ways. Falls are the leading cause of accidents for children, and the most serious accidents happen on the stairs or in the kitchen.  Younger children are at greater risk of poisoning and ingestion. Burns and scalds are also most common among young children. 

How might this impact health?

Children's health can be affected in many ways:  

  • Children under 5 are at greater risk of being injured at home. 
  • Falls can lead to serious injury, or long-term disability. 
  • Poisoning or ingestion can cause nausea, vomiting or seizures. It can also lead to changes in how alert or responsive a child is. 
  • Burns can lead to scarring or recurring infections, as well as causing muscle or tissue damage. 

What steps can be taken?

The following videos and information show each area in the home, and the steps that can be taken to make sure that children are as safe and healthy as they can be.  

General Safety

This video shows how you can make changes to your general/outside living area.


This video shows how you can make changes to your living area.


This video shows how you can make changes to your stairs area.


This video shows how you can make changes to your kitchen. 


This video shows how you can make changes to your bathroom. 


This video shows how you can make changes to your bedroom. 

What support is available?