Infant Feeding

We know that feeding an infant, however you choose, can be overwhelming, especially if it's not straight-forward or you're feeling like you're having issues. Always remember to speak to your Midwife, Health Visitor or Early Days Worker at your local Family Hub if you need some support, guidance or advice around any type of infant feeding. Finding ways to overcome these issues can also vastly improve your mental well being, even if it's just having a conversation about it with a fellow parent, friend or loved one.


There is a lot of evidence which highlights how beneficial breastfeeding is for your baby. If you would like to read more about the benefits of breastfeeding, you might find this link helpful

Breast milk is tailor made for your baby; it provides them with all the nutrients they need, and also contains lots of protective factors that help reduce the risk of certain illness. There are lots of other reasons that you might consider breastfeeding. There are health benefits for mums too. Did you know that Breastfeeding also protects mothers from breast and ovarian cancers and heart disease? Breastmilk is also free, and the production of breast milk has no impact on the environment.

If you are still unsure or considering your options for feeding your baby, you can speak to your Midwife and Health Visitor for further guidance. It's important to remember that you will be supported in your choices no matter how you choose to feed your baby, and you should have access to factual information and be able to speak to an expert will help you to make a decision that feels right for you and your baby.

If you are using infant formula, it’s important that you know how to make up a bottle safely. It’s also important to look out for cues that your baby has had enough of their bottle. You can find more useful information on bottle feeding here

Breastfeeding Groups

Breast Start Groups

In Doncaster, you can attend our Breast Start Groups either whilst pregnant or when your baby/babies have arrived. These groups usually take place at your local Family Hubs or other community venues by the Doncaster Health Visiting team, and are designed to offer a warm and supportive group environment where you can access support and guidance from professionals and fellow feeding mums. Find out more about the Breast Start sessions HERE.

First Friends Groups

If you dont feel like attending a dedicated breastfeeding group but still want to join in a local group with other mums in a breastfeeding-friendly environment, you can always try the First Friends Groups, also run by the Doncaster Health Visiting team - it's another great way to meet other parents in your area and get in those early of socialising your little one with other babies, whilst having access to feeding support from the professionals should you need it. Find our more about First Friends groups HERE

Breastfeeding Support in Doncaster

Your Community Midwives and Nominated Health Visitors

Your biggest source of support and first port of call for breastfeeding support will be your Community Midwife and your nominated Health Visitor who can support and advise you on your feeding journey or signpost you to further support and groups should you need or want to access them.

Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals Infant Feeding Team

DBTH have an infant feeding team which includes specialist infant feeding midwives at both sites and maternity support workers who have a specialist interest in infant feeding.

The Team also provide a specialist breastfeeding clinic to support mothers and babies up to 28 days. Just ask your midwife or maternity support worker to refer you.

The Infant Feeding team can be contacted on:

 Doncaster and Bassetlaw Infant Feeding Support Facebook Group

There is a private infant feeding support Facebook group run by the Doncaster and Bassetlaw NHS Foundation Trust Infant Feeding Leads and Infant Feeding Support Workers, serving parents of Doncaster and Bassetlaw.

This group was designed to support expectant, new and experienced breastfeeding parents and families on their feeding journeys, and is a place to share your experiences, ask questions of both the professionals and other feeding parents and is a supportive, safe space to grow your feeding community of supporters.

You can view the group and request access HERE

Other Breastfeeding Support 

The Breastfeeding Friend from Start For Life

The Breastfeeding Friend, a digital tool from Start for Life, offers practical information and advice on breastfeeding, available through Facebook Messenger and Amazon Alexa.

Think of it like your health visitor but, because it's a digital tool, it's available whenever you need it – all day and all night.
Find out more at

National Breastfeeding Helpline

The National Breastfeeding Helpline offers friendly, non-judgemental, independent, evidence based breastfeeding support and information to anyone in the UK who needs it. The helpline is provided by the Breastfeeding Network and the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers and also offers out of hours support when you need it.

The National Breastfeeding Helping offers breastfeeding support and information from 9.30am-9.30pm every day of the week by calling 0300 100 0212. Find out more at

Le Leche League

Le Leche League provide mother-to-mother, parent-to-parent breastfeeding support across Great Britain and the Isle of Man, including free antenatal breastfeeding support and classes.

Find out more at

 We Support Our Mums!

We know that half the battle of having a successful breastfeeding journey isn't down to you or your baby. In fact, feeling like your supported in your breastfeeding journey, be that by your partner and family, friends or even by your local community, businesses you engage with and even by strangers, can ensure you and your baby are happy and thriving with breastfeeding. It can be daunting to breastfeed in public places, whether you're new to it or experienced with feeding, and we're on a mission to make Doncaster a breastfeeding-positive city!

Our 'We Support Our Mums' scheme is all about raising awareness of the importance and acceptance of breastfeeding, and showcasing businesses, organisations and venues in Doncaster who provide a breastfeeding-positive environment for feeding parents. We even have an interactive map of all of the organisations and venues who actively support parents to breastfeed! All businesses and organisations who have signed up to our We Support Our Mums scheme have agreed to our 'pledge' meaning that they meet the standards we expect of a breastfeeding positive venue, which includes:

  • Babies can be breastfed in any public area of the venue
  • A breastfeeding mum will not be asked to move to another area or stop breastfeeding
  • All members of staff are made aware of the scheme and the organisation's breastfeeding policy and are supportive to the needs of breastfeeding mothers
  • The public will be made aware that the venue is part of the scheme through clearly displaying the promotional material or information
  • The venue has agreed to be reviewed by local breastfeeding mums
  • The venue understands that some women prefer privacy when feeding and will do all they can to help them
  • The venue will respond sensitively if inappropriate comments are made about breastfeeding in their venue
  • The venue will ensure their own staff are supported if breastfeeding while in employment

Find out more about the campaign HERE