Infant Feeding

All Family Hubs, Maternity and Health Visiting Services are Baby Friendly Accredited

The Baby Friendly Initiative

The infant feeding journey starts before baby arrives and continues once baby is here. The decision on how you feed your baby is yours, this decision does not have to be made until your baby is with you in skin-to-skin contact at birth. We understand that every infant feeding journey is different, and our trained staff are here to support you through this journey. If you would like more information, advice and guidance on infant feeding please speak to your Midwife, Health Visitor or contact any Family Hub and ask to speak to an Early Days Worker.


It is a well-known fact that breastfeeding is beneficial for you and your baby.

Your breast milk is tailored made for your baby and has everything that your baby needs for their growth, development, and wellbeing. Your breast milk is a living liquid and changes with your baby’s needs.

For more information visit Start For Life Breastfeeding Information

Infant Feeding Support in Doncaster

A range of support is available across Doncaster from your Midwife, Health Visiting Team and your Family Hubs. 

Professionals That Can Support

Community Midwives – For breastfeeding support after you have gone home from the hospital, you can call the Community Midwife Hub: 01302 642794. Leave a message with your name and hospital number or date of birth and a member of staff will call you back and arrange for someone to visit you. If you are worried that your baby is not feeding and your baby appears sleepy, jaundiced or dehydrated, please call Triage urgently on 01302 642711.

Doncaster also have an infant feeding team, which includes specialist infant feeding midwives and maternity support workers who have a specialist interest in infant feeding.

The Team also provide a specialist breastfeeding clinic to support mothers and babies up to 28 days. Just ask your midwife or maternity support worker to refer you. The Infant Feeding team can be contacted on:

Health Visitors – Doncaster Health Visitors, single Point of Contact: 0300 021 8997, offers you a range of support including advice on positioning, attachment, hand expressing and assisting you and your family to continue to breastfeed for as long as planned. Sometimes more interventions may be needed if any problems occur. Your health visitor can also refer you to the Doncaster Specialist Breastfeeding Team. You can also contact the Health Visiting team on their Facebook Page 

Early Days Workers – Early Days Workers are here to support families in those early days of parenthood, from pregnancy and right through to the first 18 months of a child’s life. Each family will meet their Early Days Worker at their midwifery appointments and will then see their Early Days Worker on a regular basis through the antenatal and postnatal period. 

All Early Days Workers are trained to provide infant feeding support and can offer information, advice, and guidance on any questions you have around infant feeding. They can also provide breastfeeding support on a 1 to 1 basis. You can contact any Family Hub to speak to an Early Days Worker.  

Breastfeeding Support Groups

Breast Start Groups

In Doncaster, you can attend Breast Start Groups either whilst pregnant or when your baby/babies have arrived. These groups usually take place at your local Family Hubs or other community venues and are delivered by the Doncaster Health Visiting Team. The groups offer a warm and welcoming environment to meet other parents where you can access support and guidance from professionals. Find out more about the Breast Start session HERE.

First Friends Groups

First Friends groups are run by the Doncaster Health Visiting Team and Family Hubs, and are a great way to meet other parents in your area and socialise your little one with other babies, whilst having access to feeding support from professionals. Find out more about First Friends groups HERE.

Breast Pump Loan Scheme

Health Visiting – Doncaster Health Visiting Service offers a short-term breast pump loan scheme to support parents to continue to feed for as long as they planned. Ring your Health Visitor on 0300 021 8997 for more information on the scheme.

Family Hubs – If your baby is older than 6 weeks old and you have established breast feeding speak to your Early Days Worker about the Family Hub Breast Pump Loan scheme. Contact any Family Hub for more information.

 Other Breastfeeding Support

The Breastfeeding Friend from Start for Life

The Breastfeeding Friend, a digital tool from Start for Life, offers practical information and advice on breastfeeding, available through Facebook Messenger and Amazon Alexa.

Think of it like your health visitor but, because it's a digital tool, it's available whenever you need it – all day and all night.
Find out more at Breastfeeding Friend from Start for Life

The National Breastfeeding Helpline

The National Breastfeeding Helpline offers friendly, non-judgemental, independent, evidence based breastfeeding support and information to anyone in the UK who needs it. The helpline is provided by the Breastfeeding Network and the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers and also offers out of hours support when you need it.

The National Breastfeeding Helping offers breastfeeding support and information from 9.30am-9.30pm every day of the week by calling 0300 100 0212. Find out more at National Breastfeeding Helpline

Le Leche League

Le Leche League provide mother-to-mother, parent-to-parent breastfeeding support across Great Britain and the Isle of Man, including free antenatal breastfeeding support and classes.

Find out more at La Leche League GB