Keeping People Safe
See Something, Say Something
If you are concerned about an adult at risk, go to the Adults Safeguarding page on the Doncaster Council website.
What is Abuse?
Adults can be abused in a number of different ways.
Examples of abuse include:
- Treating someone unfairly - David has learning and physical disabilities. He is often called names and shouted at because he looks and walks differently to other people.
- Monetary abuse - Joy’s son takes her pension to do her shopping. Joy is not allowed to choose what is bought and is not given any money for herself.
- Organisational abuse - Ahmed lives in a residential home. Sometimes care workers lose patience and shout at him. He is often left on his own for long periods of time without a drink and rushed through his evening meal if he takes too long. He is put to bed at 7pm because the home is short staffed.
- Neglect - James lives at home and is looked after by his son. Sometimes there is no food in the house and James is not allowed to have the heating on.
- Physical abuse - Mollie cares for her partner, who has a long term illness. Mollie sometimes gets angry and hits him
- Emotional abuse - Margaret is disabled and needs help to live at home. Her carers have threatened her by saying she will have to live in a care home if she doesn’t make their job easier.
- Sexual abuse - Alan has learning disabilities and attends a day centre. Another adult touches him in an intimate way that Alan doesn’t like.
The Care Act has also introduced 3 new categories of abuse which cover Modern Slavery, Domestic Abuse, and Self Neglect.
Other types of abuse include:
- Sexual Exploitation
- Hate Crime
- Mate Crime
- Radicalisation
- Online Abuse
- Honour Based Violence
- Forced Marriage
South Yorkshire Fire Home Safety Checks
South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue offer Home Safety Checks to people who are considered to be particularly at risk of fire. During a visit, firefighters or community safety staff will give you advice on how to make your home safer, what to do in the event of a fire and what to do if you are trapped by a fire. They will also fit free smoke alarms if a home is without one and explain how to keep them working. During the visit you may also be offered a Safe & Well Check which includes further advice and support to access other service such as crime prevention and falls prevention. The Safe & Well Checks are currently aimed at residents over 65.
To see if you qualify for a visit call SYFR on 0114 253 2314 or visit
Who to contact?
If you see, hear or suspect that an adult is being abused, or you are being abused and would like further guidance and support click here.
To speak confidentially and independently about an adult being abused, or to call about yourself, contact us.
Emergency out of hours number: 01302 796000
To report a crime to the police use the following numbers:
- In an emergency: 999
- Non-emergency: 101
- Email: If you don't want to report a safeguarding issue over the phone, you can email us details here:
- Text SMS/Text Number (for people from the deaf community): 0797 903 1116
Doncaster Rape & Sexual Abuse Counselling Services
DRASACS is Open and ready for 2021
Doncaster Rape & Sexual Abuse Counselling Service (DRASACS) is determined to continue its growth and support for even more people than ever this year. If you are resident in Doncaster or your GP practice is and you are a survivor of rape and sexual abuse (whether recent or historic), we are here to support you.
We remained open throughout 2020 to help those who needed us during the various lockdown periods, and we will be doing exactly the same in 2021.
There are various ways to cope with the trauma of current and previous sexual violence. We have a long and successful history of delivering face-to-face therapy, however, what many people may not know is that we also offer the opportunity for Doncaster residents to speak with our qualified therapists in confidence via webcam and telephone free of charge and we have done for several years.
The pandemic led us to offer increased opportunities for clients to work with us via telephone or webcam. Moreover, clients who were initially reluctant to switch from face-to-face have completed their therapy successfully using the phone or webcam.
We would urge anyone who needs our help not to delay accessing support for fear that we have too much demand or that Covid-secure practices won’t work for them – they absolutely will.
Please call 01302 341572 or visit to book your first appointment with a therapist and discuss the next steps for you. If you are under 18, someone can call on your behalf.
Keeping children and young people safe