Sexual Health
Poor sexual health can have a negative impact on people's health. This includes sexually transmitted infections (STIs) - like chlamydia, which can lead to the infertility, HIV and unplanned pregnancy.
In Doncaster, there are a number of places that can help us achieve good sexual health for everybody. Click on the links below to find out more.
- Project 3 (opens in a new window) - The NHS sexual health service for those aged 18 and under in Doncaster.
- TriHealth Doncaster (opens in a new window) - the NHS sexual health service for those aged 19 and over.
If you have had sexual contact with someone without using a condom, you may be at risk of an STI. Not all STIs have symptoms, so if you think you may have been at risk it is important to get tested.
STI Testing
If you have had sexual contact with someone without using a condom, you may be at risk of an STI. Not all STIs have symptoms, so if you think you may have been at risk it is important to get tested.
You can access STI testing in a number of places:
- If you are between 16-25 you can order a free chlamydia test kit from the TFI Clear website
- Age 18 and under - Project 3
- Age 19 and over - TriHealth Doncaster sexual health service
- Visit your doctor - to find your local GP click here.
HIV testing is a routine part of sexual health screens. The sooner HIV is diagnosed in a person, the less damage the virus can do to the body. It also means the virus is less likely to be passed on. If you think you may have exposed yourself to HIV (for example, sexual contact without using a condom) you can visit:
- Age 18 and under - Project 3.
- Age 19 and over - TriHealth Doncaster sexual health service
- Visit your doctor - to find your local GP click here.
You can find more information about HIV on NHS Choices.
There are many different types of contraception available. Condoms are the only form of contraception that can protect you from both unplanned pregnancy and STIs, including HIV. There are advantages and disadvantages to each type so it's important to choose one that best suits your relationship and lifestyle. Your GP will be able to advise you on the different types of contraception. You can also access information on the different types of contraception via the Family Planning Association website.
You can get all types of contraception at:
- Age 18 and under - Project 3.
- Age 19 and over - TriHealth Doncaster sexual health service.
- Your GP will also be able to offer some types of contraception. To find your local GP click here.
Emergency Contraception
If you have had unprotected sex or your contraception method has failed, you can obtain emergency contraception (also known as the 'morning after pill') free of charge from:
- Age 18 and under - Project 3.
- Age 19 and over - TriHealth Doncaster sexual health service.
- All ages - some community pharmacies (ring before you visit to check if this service is available).