Smokefree Doncaster
Stopping smoking can be difficult, and it is not an easy task to start a smokefree journey alone. There is help available across Doncaster for people looking to quit smoking. Those who smoke are up to four times more likely to stop smoking with support.
Smoking Support and Advice
If you are preparing to quit think about getting help and advice. The stop smoking service is free to anyone living in Doncaster. You can call them on 08006120011 for free from most landlines, or 03306601166 for free from most mobiles. You can also message them through the online NHS Yorkshire Smokefree Service. For more information on your local stop smoking service, visit Smokefree Doncaster.
There is also lots of information and support available on the NHS better health website.
Stopping smoking is tough and not everyone succeeds the first time. Many can take several attempts to quit completely, so don’t be too hard on yourself If you have a setback. The most important thing is not to give up with your quit journey and to get support from your local Smokefree Service.
Allen Carr's Easyway (ACE) - Quit Smoking the Easy Way
Allen Carr's Easyway is a drug-free & clinically proven method for helping people to quit smoking. ACE is a one-day seminar lasting around five hours, either online or in person. The aim is to change the way you feel and think about cigarettes. After the seminar, you will receive support by phone, text and email. If you don't quit after your first attempt, you will be offered a booster seminar.
Find out more about ACE and booking a place on the seminar through the Easyway website.
Smokefree Communities Grants
Would your organisation like to help play a part in creating a Smokefree Doncaster? The Smokefree Community Grant offers up to £250 or £750 to support VCFS organisations and local people in creating smokefree spaces or holding smokefree events. All successful applicants are expected to recruit Smokefree Champions to support this initiative. You can apply through the application form below and email to your local Well Doncaster officer, or complete the Smokefree Communities Grants online form.
- Doncaster Smokefree Community Grant Information Pack
- Download (657KB - PDF)
- Smokefree Community Grant Application Form
- Download (65KB - DOCX)
To apply, please email your completed application form to your local Well Doncaster officer:
Applicants will be contacted an offered Very Brief Advice Training.
Smoking and Mental Health
Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your physical health but what about the impact on your mental health? You might think that smoking provides relief from stress, anxiety and depression but the opposite is true. Smoking can offer a temporary sense of relief but this soon gives way to unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.
When you haven’t had a cigarette for a while the craving can make you irritable and anxious, trapping you in a stress cycle which could be making daily life harder. Smoking won’t get rid of stress, anxiety and low mood in the long-term. Stopping smoking is the first step to breaking the cycle. Smokefree Starts has lots of information about smoking and mental health.
You can find further support on our mental health webpage.
28 Days Smokefree
Research has shown that if you quit for 28 days, you are 5 times more likely to quit for good! With our printable 28 Day Smokefree Calendar you can track your progress and find support and advice for your smokefree journey.
28 Days Smokefree
- 28 Days Smokefree
- Download (8319KB - PDF)
If you or your organisation are looking to support people with quitting smoking we have lots of downloadable and printable resources to support you.
- Download (636KB - PDF)
- Smokefree Starts Doncaster A5 Flyer
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- Smokefree Starts Doncaster A3 Poster
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- Smokefree Starts Doncaster Digital Screen
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- Smokefree Starts GIF
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In recent years e-cigarettes (also known as vapes and e-cigs) have become a very popular stop smoking aid in the UK. The latest evidence shows that they are far less harmful than smoking cigarettes and can help you quit for good. However, the healthiest option is not to vape or smoke. Do not vape if you do not smoke, only vape to quit smoking
What are vapes?
Vaping is the use of an electronic device to inhale vapour derived from a heated liquid.
The main ingredients are vegetable glycerine and propylene glycol, but most e-liquids also contain nicotine, which must be no more than 2% or 2 mg per ml, as well as small amounts of flavourings and sweeteners.
Smoking VS Vaping
Smoking is much more harmful than vaping, tobacco smoke contains toxic chemicals of which 89 are known to cause cancer
Vapes are not harmless, short term side effects include coughing, headaches, dizziness and sore throats. The long term effects are as yet unknown, and there’s potential for young people to become addicted by vaping nicotine and form a habit which could last a lifetime.
How do vapes help smokers quit?
Like nicotine patches and gum, vapes containing nicotine are a useful aid to quitting as they deal with the cravings smokers get when they try to stop.
Nicotine vapes are proven effective and have become the most popular quitting aid for smokers in recent years. However, vapes are not for recommended non-smokers, particularly children.
Vaping in Children and Young People
Most children and young people don’t vape or smoke. However in 2022 the number of 11–17-year-olds in the UK using vapes and e-cigarettes rose to 7% compared to 4% in 2020. Regular vaping is mainly confined to children who currently smoke or have done in the past. The increase in use is thought to be due to rapid growth in the market for cheaper disposable vapes, child-friendly packaging, and heavy promotion of vaping on social media and at point of sale. Work nationally and locally is taking place to address these issues.
The Law and Vaping
Vapes and vaping products containing nicotine, like tobacco, are age restricted. It’s illegal to sell them to under 18s, and for adults to buy them on their behalf. If you know of anyone who does sell vapes, or tobacco illegally, you can anonymously report them to trading standards through the Citizens Advice online portal or by contacting Trading Standards. Advertising of all tobacco products is illegal, but if you see advertising for vapes that you feel is trying to encourage children and young people to try vaping, you can report it to the Advertising Standards Authority.
Want help to stop vaping?
If you are concerned about a young person’s smoking, vaping or any other aspect of their health, speak to the team at Doncaster’s young person’s service Zone 5-19 on: 0300 0218997.
Find out more on the NHS website, or visit or talk to someone from the Smokefree Doncaster team about the use of e-cigerettes to stop smoking.
- Vaping Poster A
- Download (175KB - PDF)
- Vaping Poster B
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