Best start to life


The first 1001 days of a child’s life, from conception to their second birthday, give them the foundations for the rest of their life. It is important that we understand the milestones, what we need to do to support them, and where to get help if needed. This directory will help you navigate this.

If you want to discuss any of this with someone, please do pop into your local Family Hub or talk to your Early Days Worker. 


If you are pregnant and looking for information, advice, and guidance here are some useful links.

Being a Parent

If you are looking to find out more about being a parent or get some advice about your baby or toddler, these links will be helpful.

Infant Feeding

Child Development & Home Learning Environment

If you want to know more about how you can help your child develop and grow or want to seek some support, these links will be helpful.

Mental & Emotional Wellbeing

If you want to know more about looking after your mental wellbeing or if you are feeling isolated or worried about you or your partners mood or wellbeing, these links will be helpful.

Groups & Activities

If you want to find out about opportunities for your child to attend events or join groups near you, these links will be helpful;

Wider Support

If you need any information, advice, or support for anything else, these links contain other useful information that may help.