Mental Health and Wellbeing
Understanding mental health can be very tricky. It’s a huge topic, with lots to wrap your head around, but we’re here to help.
If you or someone you know is having a hard time with their mental health, it’s easy to end up feeling hopeless. But as the conversation grows around mental health, so do the resources available.
Just remember, help is available.
Eating Disorders
Eating habits are unique to everyone. Eating more one day but not feeling as hungry the next is completely normal. But sometimes feelings about food and eating can become overwhelming.
What is an eating disorder?
An eating disorder is a mental health condition where the control of food is used to cope with difficult feelings or situations. Unhealthy eating behaviours may include eating too much or too little or worrying about your weight or body shape.
What can cause an eating disorder?
It’s important to remember, eating disorders are not all about food, but about feelings too. Anyone can develop an eating disorder regardless of their age, gender, or ethnicity. There is no specific reason why it develops. It could be because of things happening in their life, at school or at home, but often people think it is down to social pressures and social media. It is never the fault of the person experiencing it.
Read and work through some of our EDit Campaign activities that might help you understand what you’re feeling and what you can do to help yourself feel a little better.
There are many different eating disorders, but they can share common signs and symptoms:
- Dramatic weight loss or weight gain
- Spending a lot of time thinking about weight and body image
- Avoiding socialising when food is involved
- Having strict rules or habits with food
- Over-exercising
- Feeling guilty for enjoying food
More information about symptoms of eating problems is available on the Young Minds website.
BEAT is an eating disorder charity that has advice on coping with an eating disorder. Helplines are on their site if you wish to speak with somebody for support and advice.
- You can call their helpline 9am- Midnight daily on: 0808 801 0677
- You can also email the BEAT team:
If you think you have an eating disorder speak to someone you trust. This could be your family, your friends, your school nurse, or your GP. It might feel scary, but help is available.
More information and support can be found online:
We all get anxious sometimes, it’s our bodies normal response to stressful situations. But suffering with an anxiety disorder is different.
What is anxiety?
Anxiety can be a general feeling of unease and worry, but for those with an anxiety disorder, it may be an intense fear even when we aren’t in a stressful situation. Anxiety disorder symptoms may continue over a prolonged period of time and seem irrational others. This can be very overwhelming to the point where life may feel impossible.
What can cause anxiety?
Anything can! There are a few different types of anxiety, these include:
- Social anxiety
- General anxiety
- Health anxiety
- Panic disorder
- For many, they overlap and share symptoms.
Symptoms can be both mental and physical. What are they?
- Uncontrollable overthinking or an overwhelming feeling of dread
- Feeling irritable or easily annoyed
- Problems with sleep
- Pounding heartbeat and heavy breathing
- Sweating
- Shaking
For more information about anxiety disorders:
Low Mood and Depression
Moods are changeable, and feeling low at times is completely normal. Everyone has days where they feel down and unmotivated to do the things they usually enjoy. But without the right support, low moods can develop into depression.
What is depression?
Depression is a consistent low mood which begins to affect day to day life. It may result in people stopping doing things they enjoy, feel sad, flat and unmotivated to leave the house. People may distance themselves from their family and friends, spend more time alone or become more argumentative.
What are some signs of depression?
- Feeling low or lacking motivation
- More negative thinking
- Feelings hopeless
- Difficulty eating or sleeping
- Feeling irritable, sad or lonely
How to help depression
- Talk to someone: this can be anyone you find helpful – don’t bottle your feelings up!
- Look after yourself: take a look at your everyday routine and see where you can make small changes like getting more sleep – even just having a routine you stick to can help.
- Go do something you enjoy: focus on the things you can control that make you happy - take a walk, read, watch your favourite film or do something crafty!
If you are experiencing low mood it is important to speak with somebody that you can trust. That can be somebody you know personally or there are a range of services that you can reach out to:
Supporting Others
So many people experience mental health struggles of all kinds! It's likely people you are closest with will go through a tough patch at some point in their life. While others' mental wellbeing is not your responsibility, there are some things you can do to support those struggling.
If you are really concerned about a friend, tell someone. This might be your family, someone at school or another trusted adult you know. But they will know what to do to keep you and the person you are worried about safe.
How to spot the signs of poor mental health in your friends?
They may be:
- Less chatty or friendly
- More irritable and easily annoyed
- Withdrawn from social activities or hobbies
- Not replying to messages
- Not acting like their usual self
- Look tired and have less energy
- Find everyday tasks hard to complete
Ways you can help others:
- Reassure them: When your friends open up about their thoughts and feelings, let them know you are here for them to listen or offer support. Opening up can be a big step!
- Do something nice: Show you are there for your friends by doing something kind. The smallest acts of kindness can make a huge different to someone’s day.
- Don’t force it: You can’t make people talk about their issues, go to a GP or get help. This might make them feel very uncomfortable. So be patient, kind and non-judgemental when friends are ready to talk.
- Carry on as usual: Behaving differently can make someone feel more isolated. So do what you would usually do while offering kind words or space to talk. This could be over the phone, by message, or in person.
- Look after yourself: It can be upsetting to hear the people around you are having a tough time, so take some time to relax and do something you enjoy to recharge your own batteries. Looking after yourself is how we can look after our friends too!
For more information about signs and how you can support others:
The Children and Young People’s Crisis Team is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week for all young people in Rotherham, Doncaster and North Lincolnshire who need urgent help for a mental health crisis.
03000 218 996
If someone is in immediate danger or requires serious or life-threatening immediate emergency mental or physical health assistance dial 999.
Contacts if you are worried about the mental health of yourself or someone else:
Samaritans: 116 123
Childline: 0800 11 11
NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
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Doncaster Young Advisors Anti-Bullying Podcast Part 1
All Rounder Episode
Doncaster Youth Council #EDitViews Youth Voice Campaign Video